Toxic Exposure

National Cancer Survivors Month 2022

National Cancer Survivors Month 2022 June is National Cancer Survivors Month. It is a celebration of people and families of people who survive cancer. It is a great way to inspire those recently diagnosed with cancer by letting them know that they have a chance of survival after a cancer diagnosis. It is also a […]

Sunscreens With Benzene and the FDA

Sunscreens With Benzene and the FDA

Sunscreens With Benzene and the FDA Medical studies have proven that unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin and immune system. It is also a leading cause of skin cancer. Most people rely on a skin protectant like sunscreen when they expect to be exposed to the hot sun. […]

OSHA and Toxic Exposures in the Workplace

Toxic Workplace Exposure

OSHA and Toxic Exposures in the Workplace Workers in the United States are exposed to hazardous chemicals and toxins daily. These hazards, if not handled safely, can cause health problems ranging from minor irritations, allergies, and illnesses to severe neurological damage, cancer, and even death. All employees have the right to work in a safe […]

Johnson & Johnson Shareholders Vote to Continue Selling Asbestos Contaminated Baby Powder

Talcum Powder | Goldberg, Persky, and White P.C.

Johnson & Johnson Shareholders Vote to Continue Selling Asbestos Contaminated Baby Powder Shareholders rejected a proposal asking Johnson & Johnson to stop selling its talc-based baby powder.  The proposal needed a majority vote but failed to receive one at the company’s annual meeting of stockholders. Ending sales of the product was one of 14 issues […]

Myeloma Action Month 2022

Myeloma Action Month 2022 March is Myeloma Action Month. It is a month to bring people together to find ways to help people with myeloma. Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, which are cells found in the bone marrow. They are one of many important parts of the immune system. The immune system is […]

Asbestos Abatement Can Help Prevent Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer

Asbestos Exposure Risk

Asbestos Abatement Can Help Prevent Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Finding asbestos in the home can be quite scary because it can cause mesothelioma, lung, throat, esophageal, and colorectal cancers. Once encountering asbestos, it is easy to disturb the hazardous material and inhale dangerous asbestos fibers. One way to prevent asbestos from being a danger to […]

Testing for Asbestos in Talc Could Become Stricter

Talcum Powder | Goldberg, Persky, and White P.C.

Testing for Asbestos in Talc Could Become Stricter The Food and Drug Administration is looking to make asbestos testing for talc based cosmetic products stricter. It recently released its 124-page document written by the Interagency Working Group on Asbestos in Consumer Products. There were eight federal agencies chosen by the FDA that represent the Interagency […]

Asbestos Found in Consumer Products

Asbestos Found in Consumer Products Many industrial sites contained asbestos, but other locations like people’s homes also contained the carcinogen. Asbestos is a great insulator, which is why it has been used in so many industrial and consumer products. Certain products like fake snow were especially dangerous because it was just friable chrysotile asbestos sold […]

Today is the Great American Smokeout

Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer and Cigarette Smoking

Today is the Great American Smokeout Today is the Great American Smokeout, a day where you can quit smoking or make a plan to quit smoking. The Great American Smokeout started in 1970 when Arthur P Mullaney asked people to give up smoking for a day and donate the money that would have been spent […]


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