
Mon Valley Plants Ordered to Submit Plan to Reduce Emissions

Mon Valley Plants Ordered to Submit Plan to Reduce Emissions Earlier this week, the Allegheny Health Department issued an order requiring the Mon Valley Works to submit a plan outlining actions and specific steps they are going to take to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions that have been polluting the surrounding communities since the December 24 […]

Clairton Coke Works Causing Poor Air Quality After Fire

Pollution | Goldberg, Persky, and White P.C.

A December 24 fire at the Clairton Coke Works is still causing air pollution problems for surrounding communities. Twenty-two communities are being affected by the fire and an advisory will be in effect indefinitely until the plant is fixed. There are higher levels of sulfur dioxide than normal, which can affect breathing by aggravating respiratory […]

The Permissible Exposure Limit and the Threshold Limit Value for Asbestos Exposure

The Permissible Exposure Limit and the Threshold Limit Value for Asbestos Exposure The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has maintained that “there is no ‘safe’ level of asbestos exposure for any type of asbestos fiber,” but despite these warnings, asbestos is still legal and still used in the United States.  Different government agencies have […]

World Cancer Day – Cancers Caused by Asbestos Exposure

February 4, 2018, was World Cancer Day and around the world, communities held seminars, festivals, and walks to promote and raise awareness about an illness that affects millions of people each year.  During World Cancer Day, communities educate people about cancer risks, signs and symptoms, and available treatments and support. Risk factors for cancer can […]

February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Cancer is the second most leading cause of death in the United States affecting over 500,000 people. However, is estimated that 1/3 of all cancers could be prevented through daily activities such as eating healthy, exercising, or simply applying sunscreen on a sunny day.  Cancers caused by asbestos exposure are life-threatening, but perhaps the most […]

Asbestos in Pittsburgh Steel Mills

Asbestos in Pittsburgh Steel Mills A city once known for producing mass quantities of iron, brass, tin, glass and of course, steel, Pittsburgh has a rich history that makes its residents proud, loyal, and dedicated.  By 1911, Pittsburgh was producing most of the nation’s steel and for decades, companies like J& L Steel, and Homestead […]


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