Asbestos Workers Are At Higher Risk For Covid-19 Complications


Asbestos Workers Are At Higher Risk For Covid-19 Complications COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and can cause extra complications for people with existing lung and breathing issues such as asbestos-related diseases. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis to be the three significant health effects of asbestos exposure. All three are […]

COVID-19 at Long-Term Health Facilities


COVID-19 at Long-Term Health Facilities Elderly people are at higher risk for COVID-19, as are people with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, respiratory illness, heart disease, and kidney disease. Both the elderly and the chronically ill are heavily represented among the nation’s 1.3 million nursing home residents. Thirty-five percent of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 […]

The COVID-19 Pandemic Directly Affects the Opioid Epidemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic Directly Affects the Opioid Epidemic More than 87,000 Americans died from September 2019 through September 2020 because of drug overdoses. This is the highest number of deaths for a one-year span since 1990 when the epidemic started. After the COVID-19 pandemic began, the opioid crisis has been on the backburner, but the […]

Relaxed Opioid Restrictions Need to Stay

Relaxed Opioid Restrictions Need to Stay As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, another crisis in the United States is most likely going to get worse. The opioid epidemic has been greatly impacted, making it harder for people addicted to opioids to get treatment. Opioid treatment is usually done in person, so social distancing and restricted access […]

People in Libby, Montana are More at Risk of Severe Symptoms When Contracting COVID-19

People in Libby, Montana are More at Risk of Severe Symptoms When Contracting COVID-19 People in Libby, Montana are having a harder time with the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other parts of the country because they are also dealing with asbestos related diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. People with these illnesses are more […]

Let’s All Work Together to Spread Mesothelioma Awareness

Let’s All Work Together to Spread Mesothelioma Awareness Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that is caused primarily by asbestos exposure. It is a terrible diagnosis to receive and not many people know what it is, which is why mesothelioma awareness is so important. Many people’s lives could be saved and could be improved if more […]

Hot Sunny Weather is Creating Ground Level Ozone Pollution in Pittsburgh

Pollution | Goldberg, Persky, and White P.C.

Hot Sunny Weather is Creating Ground Level Ozone Pollution in Pittsburgh Hot weather is creating larger amounts of pollution in Pittsburgh. During these hot summer days, larger amounts of ground level ozone pollution is present. We have reached the Orange level of the Air Quality Index on four different days this year. In Pittsburgh, the […]

Methanol Poisoning from Hand Sanitizers

Methanol Poisoning from Hand Sanitizers The pandemic has created many problems for our society including limited contact with loved ones, not being able to work to support ourselves, and not being able to find essential items like toilet paper, soap, and hand sanitizer. Some companies stepped up and started making hand sanitizer so people can […]

Hand Sanitizer is Now Allowed to Contain Benzene

Hand Sanitizer is Now Allowed to Contain Benzene Since the coronavirus pandemic started, many products including disinfectants, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, and hand sanitizers have quickly left store shelves and have been hard to find. With so many people not being able to find these products, companies that do not typically make them have […]


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