Jury awards $6 million to Shaler couple for asbestos injuries
From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette:
A jury has awarded $6 million to a Shaler couple for injuries the husband received after repeated exposure to asbestos.
The Common Pleas Court jury ordered DeZurik Inc. of Sartell, Minn., to pay the money to William and Lois Lisac.
William Lisac, 62, a member of Steamfitters Local 449 for more than 40 years, was exposed to asbestos during the 1960s and 1970s when he worked with valves, gaskets and other products that contained the material at power plants, chemical plants and steel mills. He said DeZurik never warned him that he was working with a dangerous and deadly substance.
“I’d give the money back in a minute if I could have my health back,” he said yesterday.
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