Lung Cancer & Mesothelioma

Information About Lung Cancer for Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Information About Lung Cancer for Lung Cancer Awareness Month November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lungs are complicated organs that are part of the respiratory system that help people breathe air and bring fresh oxygen into the body. They perform the crucial process of gas exchange where oxygen and carbon dioxide are switched for one […]

Lung Cancer Awareness Month – November 2020

Lung Cancer Awareness Month – November 2020 Each year research and advocacy organizations come together to raise awareness and educate the public about risk factors, causes, and treatments for lung cancer, which effects over 220,000 Americans each year. As the second most common cancer in both men and women, lung cancer is the leading cause […]

Top Three Sites in Pennsylvania with Asbestos Exposure

Bystander Asbestos Exposure

Top Three Sites in Pennsylvania with Asbestos Exposure According to the Environmental Working Group , between 1999 and 2017, 4,762 deaths were attributed to mesothelioma and asbestos in PA alone. Pennsylvania is ranked 4th in the U.S. for Mesothelioma and asbestos-related deaths. According to the United States Geological Survey , Pennsylvania is the site of […]

People in Libby, Montana are More at Risk of Severe Symptoms When Contracting COVID-19

People in Libby, Montana are More at Risk of Severe Symptoms When Contracting COVID-19 People in Libby, Montana are having a harder time with the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other parts of the country because they are also dealing with asbestos related diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. People with these illnesses are more […]

Top Three Job Sites In West Virginia With Asbestos Exposure

Top Three Job Sites In West Virginia With Asbestos Exposure

Top Three Job Sites In West Virginia With Asbestos Exposure According to Environmental Working Group  reports, 706 have died in West Virginia’s due to mesothelioma and asbestosis. West Virginia is ranked 27th in the U.S. for asbestos-related deaths. West Virginia does not have any known natural deposits of asbestos, according to the United States Geological […]

Types of Mesothelioma

Types of Mesothelioma

Types of Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting the mesothelium, or the lining of the body’s organs and structures, usually in the lungs and chest wall. This cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos. The body cannot break down asbestos fibers, so they become lodged in the mesothelium, causing scarring, inflammation, pain, and, eventually, cancer. […]

Let’s All Work Together to Spread Mesothelioma Awareness

Let’s All Work Together to Spread Mesothelioma Awareness Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that is caused primarily by asbestos exposure. It is a terrible diagnosis to receive and not many people know what it is, which is why mesothelioma awareness is so important. Many people’s lives could be saved and could be improved if more […]

Uncommon Products That Used to Contain Asbestos

Uncommon Products That Used to Contain Asbestos

Uncommon Products That Used to Contain Asbestos Asbestos has been linked to several life-threatening diseases, such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Construction products, car parts, and fertilizers and potting soils have been brought the public’s attention as the most substantial uses of asbestos. However, other products, which may not be as well known, have also […]

Early Uses of Asbestos


Early Uses of Asbestos Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring metamorphic minerals: chrysotile, tremolite, actinolite, amosite, crocidolite, and anthophyllite. Once viewed as a “miracle mineral,” asbestos was commonly used as an insulator. Many ancient cultures valued it for its resistant to heat and fire, and strength properties. Ancient Egyptians Considered Asbestos “Mineral of the […]

On the 19th Anniversary of 9/11, We Remember Those who Died from Exposure to Harmful Carcinogens

On the 19th Anniversary of 9/11, We Remember Those who Died from Exposure to Harmful Carcinogens Today is the 19th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. The moment the planes hit the buildings, so many peoples’ lives were changed forever.  From firefighters running into the towers to responders going through […]


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