Lung Cancer & Mesothelioma

Asbestos Found In West Virginia University Area

Asbestos Found In West Virginia University Area

Asbestos Found In West Virginia University Area According to the U.S. Geological Survey, West Virginia does not have any natural deposits of asbestos. Numerous industries such as coal mining, steel, glass manufacturing, and power plants exposed residents and workers to asbestos until the late 1970s when asbestos was declared a hazardous substance. Recent allegations of […]

Asbestos Trusts for Mesothelioma Patients

Asbestos Trusts for Mesothelioma Patients

Asbestos Trusts for Mesothelioma Patients In the 19760s, researchers in medicine and science definitively linked asbestos to cancer known as mesothelioma. By the 1980s, worldwide deaths from asbestos were growing at a large rate, and many countries restricted, phased out, or banned the use and manufacturing of asbestos. The United States remains one of the […]

Tremolite Asbestos Exposure

Tremolite Asbestos Exposure Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring metamorphic minerals: chrysotile, tremolite, actinolite, amosite, crocidolite, and anthophyllite. Many ancient cultures valued asbestos for its many properties, such as absorbency, resistance to heat and fire, durability, and strength. Little did they know that all types of asbestos, such as tremolite, were and still are […]

Paramedics and Asbestos Exposure

Paramedics and Asbestos Exposure First responders can encounter asbestos during rescue missions or disaster response efforts. Asbestos was used in construction materials produced before 1980. Although the use of asbestos has declined because of the discovery of its toxicity, the danger remains consistent as it is still found behind walls, under floors, in attics, and […]

Asbestos Exposure in Shipyards

Asbestos Exposure in Shipyards During the 20th century, asbestos was transported worldwide to industrial shipyards and factories as a heat insulator, fireproof material, and many other economically valuable applications. Asbestos use started in the United States in the late 1800s. In the 1930s and 1940s, documents revealed that asbestos manufacturers knew of the health issues […]

Asbestos Abatement Can Help Prevent Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer

Asbestos Exposure Risk

Asbestos Abatement Can Help Prevent Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Finding asbestos in the home can be quite scary because it can cause mesothelioma, lung, throat, esophageal, and colorectal cancers. Once encountering asbestos, it is easy to disturb the hazardous material and inhale dangerous asbestos fibers. One way to prevent asbestos from being a danger to […]

Asbestos Workers Are At Higher Risk For Covid-19 Complications


Asbestos Workers Are At Higher Risk For Covid-19 Complications COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and can cause extra complications for people with existing lung and breathing issues such as asbestos-related diseases. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis to be the three significant health effects of asbestos exposure. All three are […]

Michigan Asbestos Risk & Exposure


Michigan Asbestos Risk & Exposure Workers in many Michigan industries where asbestos was widely used are at risk for asbestos exposure and related health conditions. Asbestos exposure limits had existed by federal mandate since the 1970s and 1980s when it was classified as a deadly carcinogen. However, asbestos has been used in products and industrial […]

Asbestos in Vinyl Products

Asbestos in Vinyl Products If your home was constructed before 1980, you could have a vinyl floor in the kitchen, bath, or hallway that contains asbestos. Homes built between the 1920s and 1950s frequently had vinyl wallpaper with asbestos. Flooring and wall covering manufacturers frequently added asbestos to tiles, wallpaper sheet backing, and adhesives to […]


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