Asbestos & Mesothelioma

Weirton Steel Mill

Weirton Steel Mill Weirton Steel was founded by Ernest Weir in 1909. He originally started at U.S. Steel and ended up as a general manager of the Monessen tin plate mill, but in 1905, he left to buy a tin plate mill in Clarksburg, West Virginia. He expanded his operation to Holiday’s Cove, which was […]

Mesothelioma Awareness Month 2022

Mesothelioma Awareness Month 2022 September is Mesothelioma Awareness Month. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the mesothelium, which is a thin membrane that lines different areas of the body. The four types of mesothelioma include: pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, and vaginalis testis which affect the linings of the lungs, abdomen, heart, and testicles respectively. There are […]

How Long Does Asbestos Remain in The Air?

How Long Does Asbestos Remain in The Air?

How Long Does Asbestos Remain in The Air? Asbestos is a naturally earth-formed fibrous, silicate mineral found in rocks and soil. Asbestos is odorless, insoluble, heat, and fire-resistant. Despite its strength and thermal resistance, asbestos can become brittle and break down into microscopic, glass-like particles that can become airborne. Once airborne, humans can inhale these […]

Johnson & Johnson Stopping Worldwide Talc Based Baby Powder Sales

Talcum Powder | Goldberg, Persky, and White P.C.

Johnson & Johnson Stopping Worldwide Talc Based Baby Powder Sales Johnson & Johnson is ending sales of all talc-based baby powders around the world in 2023. It has previously stopped selling the baby powder product in the United States and Canada in 2020. Many lawsuits have been filed against the company due to the talc-based […]

Asbestos Duct Wrap

Asbestos Duct Wrap

Asbestos Duct Wrap Asbestos was a popular building material in which its unique fibrous structure made it ideal for insulation and fireproofing. Most buildings and homes built before the 1980s contain asbestos insulation in the walls and attic. HVAC system ductwork, registers, and pipe systems may have been wrapped with asbestos duct wrap. It was not […]

Care For Your Mental Health After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Care For Your Mental Health After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Care For Your Mental Health After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis Mesothelioma is a debilitating, aggressive cancer brought about by asbestos exposure. When asbestos breaks apart, the needle-like fibers become airborne and can be inhaled or swallowed. Fibers embed themselves in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, heart, or testicles and can remain there for years aggravating […]

When Should Popcorn Ceilings Be Tested for Asbestos

When Should Popcorn Ceilings Be Tested for Asbestos

When Should Popcorn Ceilings Be Tested for Asbestos Popcorn ceilings had been common in households for a long time. American homes frequently had textured ceilings in the bedrooms and hallways. Homes constructed before the mid-1980s are likely to contain this stylizing method, which may contain asbestos fibers. Asbestos is extremely toxic and is known to cause […]

Women and Mesothelioma

Women and Mesothelioma

Women and Mesothelioma Asbestos exposure is the only cause of mesothelioma. This mineral was widely used in construction, shipbuilding, and automobiles. Anyone who worked in an asbestos-containing industry may have been exposed and later diagnosed with mesothelioma. Throughout history, there are several ways women have been exposed to asbestos: Direct exposure at work: Women who […]


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