Asbestos & Mesothelioma

Cigarette Filters That Contained Asbestos Fibers – A Lethal Combination

Cigarette Filters That Contained Asbestos Fibers – A Lethal Combination Given what we know today about the dangers of asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking, it is hard to believe that just over 60 year ago, asbestos was used in one of the most toxic ways: cigarette filters, and caused many suspected cases of lung cancer and mesothelioma for decades […]

Smoking Plus Asbestos Exposure – A Deadly Combination

Smoking Plus Asbestos Exposure – A Deadly Combination In 2004, the American Thoracic Society called asbestos “the largest cause of occupational cancer in the United States and a significant cause of disease and disability from nonmalignant disease.” Asbestos is a known carcinogen. It has been found to be the cause of many different cancers in […]

Funding Needed for Lung Cancer Awareness and Research – How You Can Help

Funding Needed for Lung Cancer Awareness and Research – How You Can Help As November draws to a close, so does Lung Cancer Awareness Month, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about this devastating cancer that affects hundreds of thousands of people annually. For a cancer than claims more lives than breast, colon, and […]

Ongoing Legislative Efforts to Ban Asbestos in the United States

Ongoing Legislative Efforts to Ban Asbestos in the United States In 2016, The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was reformed after the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was signed by President Obama, to enforce a more thorough assessment of harmful chemicals by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Under the new chemical […]

Growing Number of Talcum Powder Users File Lawsuits

Growing Number of Talcum Powder Users File Lawsuits A recent settlement between Colgate-Palmolive Co., and a plaintiff from Pennsylvania who developed mesothelioma after using their talcum-powder based products, is part of a growing number of lawsuits against health giants such as Colgate-Palmolive Co., and Johnson & Johnson for their failure to warn consumers that their […]

Asbestos Insulation

Asbestos Insulation Before people knew about the dangers of asbestos, asbestos was known as this “miracle mineral,” used in a myriad of ways. From fire and sound proofing, to caulking and brake linings, the mineral’s heat resistant qualities, high tensile strength, and abundance made it a popular building material in the mid-20th century. Its numerous application […]

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month – 2017

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month – 2017 The National Cancer Institute places lung cancer as the leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. One out of every four cancer deaths is attributable to lung cancer, and in 2016 alone The America Cancer Society an estimated 158,080 people passed away from this disease. […]

Allegheny County Asbestos Exposure

Allegheny County Asbestos Exposure In 2013, the EWG Action Fund reported that out of all the counties in Pennsylvania, Allegheny County in western Pennsylvania had the highest number of asbestos-related deaths from 1999-2013, and the highest number of asbestos-related deaths per year. Pennsylvania is one of six states that have asbestos-related death rates higher than […]

Uncommon Asbestos Applications in the Past

Uncommon Asbestos Applications in the Past Throughout most of the 20th century, asbestos was a popular building material that became standard in  manufacturing, industrial industry, and in many households.  Today, when we think of asbestos, we might imagine insulation, siding, roofing, and vinyl floor tiles as common asbestos applications. However, because of its appearance, sound proofing, […]


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