Asbestos & Mesothelioma

Lung cancer and asbestos

Lung cancer and asbestos It’s very important to remember that while smoking causes lung cancer, exposure to asbestos multiplies a smoker’s risk of getting cancer. When someone who has been a smoker is diagnosed with lung cancer the Dr. will almost always tell the person that smoking caused the cancer. This occurs even though the […]

Newsweek Top Attorneys Showcase, 2011

Newsweek Top Attorneys Showcase, 2011 The March 28, 2011 edition of Newsweek magazine features a showcase of Top Attorneys nationwide, including Goldberg, Persky & White, P.C. Pioneers in complex and challenging asbestos litigation cases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis injuries, GPW’s attorneys also have extensive experience in personal injury lawsuits, ERISA class actions, harmful […]

Smoking and Lung Cancer Not the End of the Story: Asbestos and Smoking Create an Incredibly Deadly Combination

Smoking and Lung Cancer Not the End of the Story: Asbestos and Smoking Create an Incredibly Deadly Combination Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide, resulting in 1.4 million deaths annually1. In the US, more than 150,000 deaths resulted from lung cancer in 20102. Although lung cancer can have numerous causes, smoking […]

US Navy & Asbestos: Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Among Veterans

US Navy & Asbestos: Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Among Veterans Memorial day honors those who have died while in military service to our country. However, thousands of Navy veterans who were exposed to asbestos may pay the ultimate sacrifice years, even decades, after their service. Mesothelioma or lung cancer usually develop twenty, thirty, or even more […]

Abrams v. Pneumo Abex Corp., et al.

Abrams v. Pneumo Abex Corp., et al. Pennsylvanians who filed claims for nonmalignant asbestos disease prior to 1992 and are now suffering from an asbestos-related cancer have the right to file new claims based on their new diagnosis. Before 1992, Pennsylvania law required any person injured by asbestos exposure to file one single lawsuit to […]

Case Review: Recent Client Results

Case Review: Recent Client Results Mesothelioma and asbestos compensation amounts vary greatly, based on factors like age at diagnosis, the extent of injury, and the laws in various states. Our asbestos lawyers would be happy to discuss your case with you in more detail so as to provide an idea of what similiar cases to yours have […]

Asbestos Legislation: Bruce Vento Ban Asbestos and Prevent Mesothelioma Act

Asbestos Legislation: Bruce Vento Ban Asbestos and Prevent Mesothelioma Act After six years, the U.S. Senate finally, and unanimously, passed Senator Patty Murray’s Ban Asbestos in America Act last October. The act prohibits asbestos where present at more than 1% by weight, calls for a public education campaign about the dangers of asbestos exposure, and […]

Jury awards $6 million to Shaler couple for asbestos injuries

Jury awards $6 million to Shaler couple for asbestos injuries From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette: A jury has awarded $6 million to a Shaler couple for injuries the husband received after repeated exposure to asbestos. The Common Pleas Court jury ordered DeZurik Inc. of Sartell, Minn., to pay the money to William and Lois Lisac. William […]


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