Wrongful Death
There is no way to truly make right the loss of a loved one. The loss of love, comfort, and companionship are compounded by potential financial burdens brought on by the loss of income, funeral expenses, and, often, the cost of medical care incurred prior to the loss.
There are, however, legal recourses the family can take when someone has been killed as a result of the negligent, careless, or harmful actions of another person or group of persons. Compensation for financial losses as well as emotional ones may be sought by family members bringing a wrongful death claim.
Whether you’re a parent who’s lost a child through birth injury, a wife who lost her husband as the result of a drunk driver, or a child who has lost a parent through medical malpractice, a wrongful death lawsuit may be a way to at least partly make right the devastating wake left behind from such a loss.
Asbestos & Mesothelioma
Asbestos, mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, asbestos-related cancers
Toxic Exposures
Asbestos, Benzene, Lead, Fracking fluids
Medical Injuries
Medical malpractice, Misdiagnosis, Negligence, Wrong Site Surgery, Metal-on-replacement hips, Transvaginal Mesh (TVM), contaminated steriod shots, harmful drugs
Personal Injuries
Car and truck accidents, Football concussion injuries, occupational injuries
Accidents and injuries leading to a wrongful death don’t fit in neat boxes. Every case is different and we understand that your unique situation requires careful understanding and thorough investigation. Speak with one of our attorneys today about your wrongful death case. We can provide a free, no obligation consultation about your unique case.